Research Progress Reports are due annually on April 30 for Year 1 and Year 2 Fellows, and May 30 for Year 3 Fellows.
This report outlines progress made on research aims, provides a list of publications resulting from PBF Fellowship sponsored research and updated information on current and pending research support. Progress reports should be e-mailed as a Word file to
Click here to access the Research Progress Report Form.
Financial Reports are to cover the Fellowship year, July 1 – June 30 and are due annually on October 31, after each full year of the Fellowship, including Year 1.
This report gives a summary accounting of expenditures. Completed forms should be sent to the Francis Family Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri, for processing (
Click here to access the Financial Report Form.
Periodically the Scientific Director of the PBF Fellowship Program conducts Fellow Surveys and uses the information to track the career trajectory of each Fellow. It is important that Fellows respond to survey requests.
Click here to access a 2012 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine publication, which reports career development and productivity data for the 1976-2006 Parker B. Francis Fellowship Program awardees.